ONE LAST BREATH Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Pacing and tension are huge factors in whether One Last Breath works or doesn’t. That’s partly because it’s short enough to finish in one sitting – I did – but also because the game is very often a stressful, scary experience. The game’s world is full of weird, scary alien-like creatures that you can’t fight, so you have to avoid them, trap them, or outrun them. They linger in the background of most environments, and sometimes they’ll spot you and start making a beeline for you. If they catch you, you’re done for. You know that feeling when you’re playing The Last of Us, and you can hear a clicker, and suddenly the music changes and you realise you’re in grave danger? It’s that, except with no weapons. The closer monsters get to you, the harder Gaia breathes, and the louder the creatures growl. These encounters have great sound design, making the beasts all the more terrifying. The game can get very tense, but it feels great and engrossing. Moments of safety in which you solve puzzles feel especially satisfying in between periods of danger. Unfortunately, by the later chapters, these encounters get rarer and rarer, causing tension to fall off hard. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA).

Being caught by these monsters or failing a jump while platforming both, naturally, lead to death. Gaia screams while she dies, and the sound is grating. That’s a problem, because by design, you will die a lot in One Last Breath. The game doesn’t explain controls or mechanics to you, instead allowing you to figure it out through trial and error. This works fairly well, especially since save points are well-placed so dying never sets you back too far. But hearing that blood-curdling scream every time I died started to set my teeth on edge. The puzzles and platforming are adequate. Gaia’s powers let her control the environment at specific points, creating paths using trees or swinging across gaps with vines, and a new mechanic is introduced later in the game. The tactility feels good, especially playing on PS5 with a DualSense controller. PARASOMNIA


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