Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download


Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Escape Dungeon 2 is a fun lewd roguelike RPG that has one of the craziest and weirdest stories I have seen in a lewd game! This is a pretty highly polished game and you can actually get an official copy of it on steam, best of all, it is not even censored on there so there is no messing around looking for a patch or anything like that. I wanted to share my thoughts on this game so you have an idea of if it is worth checking out for yourself. As I said the story of Escape Dungeon 2 is pretty nuts. The basics are that we have this powerful warrior called Shunral who is trying to get into the Demon Lord’s castle. The Demon Lord defeated the land and the Queen went missing in the process. What caught my attention as I was reading the intro of the story was that the Queen had a special ability, when she had an orgasm, it was so powerful that it could turn back time. I had to do a double take, orgasms that can turn back time! The story is decent enough, but apart from time traveling orgasms, nothing else really grabbed my attention.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The gameplay of Escape Dungeon 2 is pretty easy to get to grips with. There is no tutorial here, you are just thrown into the action and you control Shunral with the mouse and keyboard or with just one if you need a hand free…. yeah. She will auto attack enemies as she comes across them, but as you progress through the game you get access to various skills that you can use. These range from active and passive skills as well as stat boosts. It is a game that is simple, but there is more strategy here than you would think. As Escape Dungeon 2 is a roguelike style of game, you will be dying a great deal. However, remember those time traveling orgasms we talked about earlier? Well, those are here to take you back to the start so you can begin a new run. You can earn currency as you play which you can use to buy permanent upgrades, but the stuff you collect during a run is gone as you would expect. Visually, Escape Dungeon 2 is great! It has a kind of mixture of 2D and 3D visuals and the dungeon and monsters are all designed well enough.

Kingdom of Sandist.

When you are defeated by an enemy, you get a XXX scene! These look great thanks to the impressive artwork. A nice touch is that if you are very good and very rarely die, you can still unlock the XXX scenes by purchasing them. There are not a ton of XXX scenes, but the ones that are here are done very well. While the combination of roguelite with game over rape is a great idea and Escape Dungeon 2 does a lot right, it doesn’t understand the core design tenants of the genre and doesn’t make up for it with it’s porn content. As a result it will probably hold you for a while, but get boring well before the end. To its credit, trying to kite rooms of enemies while balancing out the safety but unreliability of ranged attacks with the certanty of melee is fun and relatively fresh. The actual H scenes also look good and have fairly effective writing. The technical implementaion is also very solid. However, the praise ends there. The biggest issue with the gameplay is a lack of variety- which is what the entire genre is known for.Octopath Traveller

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

There just aren’t many systems to play around with so a lot of the random skills feel very same-y and the meta-progression actively removes variety by giving you fixed skills. Then there’s the level system that gives you more skill bonuses than the game really has skills to fulfill so a bug chunk of them is just incrementing basic stats. It also doesn’t take very long to get enough meta bonuses to trivialize the early game, but it doesn’t go much faster or have anything like bonus challenges to make up for it. So it just becomes a slog until you actually get to the new content, with a nearly identical build to last run but higher stats. The gamplay shortcomings would matter less if there was good integration of porn and gameplay but the only thing you get other than game over rape is the ability for the PC to get her clothes torn off. But the sole gameplay effect of that is making one skill bad so for all intents and purposes it just puts a jpeg of tits in the corner of the screen.


And since you quickly build up enough meta bonuses to make anything but bosses feel safe even the game over rape scenes feel very distant from the gameplay. I’d like to see enemies that have some sort of sexual abilities that apply debuffs, or sexual traps, or items, or reason to worry about the PC’s clothes being torn, or anything to spice things up. Despite all my criticisms, the game does a lot right and feels like it could become something great with a rebalance and more features. So I’ll still keep an eye out for Escape Dungeon 3. The gameplay reminds me a lot of For the King in terms of the art style. If you played that game, this will remind you of it – minus the way battles work. The game is quite fun in terms of game play, and I imagine that you can create various builds focusing on specific gameplay. At least that would make the game more interesting and add variety. Variety is in the demo one of the weaknesses of the game. You walk around maps that look the same. Your skills aren’t particularly different either. Why not add, say, a spear/sword/magic/shield build etc.Guilty Hell White Goddess and the City of Zombies

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

These things could make the game more interesting, and add different types of game play as well as weaknesses and so on. I think that could benefit the game a lot. Now, this is an adult game. I’m the type of player that never loses intentionally. That is unless the game is too easy and at some point I just want to see what happens. Unfortunately, the demo did include the one scene I intentionally lost to see. Thus, it’s very hard for me to judge how good of an adult game it is. But what I did see, was that you had to lose to see anything, which… well, that just never really sits too well with me. Adding to that, it plays into the over-used “I’m an innocent virgin who has never seen a dick – why do you want to undress me” type comments from the MC. There’ve been plenty of changes from the beta, and some of my complaints were addressed. Now, I know what you’re wondering: is Hawkeye still useless? Well, I’m pleased to report that it can be incorporated into a late-game build; you no longer gain 1 range per 2 vision, and with the longer game duration (of 40 levels + final boss) you have time to get a high level Hawkeye so it lasts long enough to matter.


So that’s nice. Practically everything else I complained about is still a problem though; you’ll get far too much healing and far too many bonus skill uses and the whole idea of skill uses and enemies destroying drops is still just as dumb as it was in the beta, except it’s EVEN MORE insulting here because the difficulty is almost unnaturally easy. See, I thought the idea of roguelite with metaprogression was that you start out weak and over time get stronger until you break the wall and beat the boss. This game, however, has no walls to break. You’ll likely get to the final boss on your first run and beat him on your second, if not your first run. After that you’ve got enough metacurrency to unlock the most powerful abilities and the fun disappears instantly. You’re two runs in, you haven’t unlocked even half the scenes yet (because unlocking scenes requires either losing to or killing enough of that enemy type), and you’ve achieved Godhood. You can become the invincible destroyer of worlds within an hour, and unlock almost everything within four hours, which is a poor total runtime.

Of what you won’t yet have unlocked are some scenes of enemies that the game just doesn’t spawn very many of in a run. You could get a game over to unlock a scene, but that honestly feels humiliating when the game is this easy. Y’know, I think I hate this more because the elf is so attractive. I wanted at least the scenes to be good, but no. Your enemies are… Rats. Rats, skeletons, mummies and futanari demons that don’t actually touch the elf but instead whip her. And werewolves that urinate on her (which, if that’s your thing, go for it, but for me, I find it gross; if I’d have seen that tag I’d have steered clear) and there just isn’t enough there of the non-weird stuff to get me going. So in summary, this thing is awful. It’s too easy on your first run and you could sleepwalk through it after, most of it is senseless grinding after you’ve already achieved invincibility, the scenes aren’t appealing. Give it a miss. Well this game is quite fun in its unique gameplay style, a turn based dungeon crawler that is also a roguelike game. This game does try something fun and different than most others, i can give it that.

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Escape Dungeon 2 Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The story is very basic, its not something that is worth talking, instead, all of the focus is on the gameplay itself. I enjoyed playing the game for a few hours, until the game devolved into a mindless grind that became boring as all hell. I did quite enjoy the scenes, good art, good animation, good sounds. One mechanic i REALLY liked was the ability to unlock scenes with the amount of monster of the certain type you killed. Great mechanic overall.i found this gmae quite enjoyable, the gameplay is super and different to the rest of rogue-like games i’ve ever player. Although, it is true that after have played the prequel i have to admit this game does not provide anything new, even graphics are worse in this second part.. if i have to play one of them i’ll go to the 1st with any doubdtso I’ve played Escape Dungeon 2. As a preface, please keep in mind that I played the Demo version, so it’s clearly not the full game that I’m rating here. Moreover, it’s primarily the game-play that I will focus on.Sword x Hime


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