Sky Force Anniversary Free Download


Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET After having spent nearly 30 hours with the 2D shoot-’em-up Sky Force Reloaded (post-review), I was delighted and intrigued when I was provided the chance to check out its successor in the series, Sky Force Anniversary. I wasn’t sure what “anniversary” was being celebrated and wondered if it could mean this was a bigger version of Reloaded (which I had found to already be pretty heavy in the campaign content). So I did some digging. To my absolute horror, I soon discovered that this series reuses its namesake over and over, despite remakes, and sequels. What’s worse is that versions can differ between consoles and mobile. To my knowledge, Sky Force Anniversary is a variation on Sky Force 2014, a remake of the oldest Sky Force game, with all-new graphics. Discrepancy in the title’s lineage aside, Sky Force Anniversary appears to borrow from the remake of Sky Force Reloaded. The UI, 3D polygonal assets, and effects are all shared. Having loved Reloaded, I found the familiarity here to be handy in getting back into the groove of the gameplay, which has not changed in the slightest. That said, there wasn’t much in the way of new content, and there was a lot missing that had been in Reloaded. This was the biggest disappointment for me. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary lacks the number of levels, the different ships, the temporary boosts, and the level of upgrades that Sky Force Reloaded has. It’s simply inferior. But at the same time, it stands on its own (one wouldn’t know what they are missing) as an excellent entry into what Reloaded offers. I would also even argue that Sky Force Anniversary does a basic amount of streamlining. There is definitely a certain level of grinding, make no mistake. But you can reach maximum level in your various weapons much more quickly. Sky Force Anniversary doesn’t have the power-ups that came with the previous titles (i.e. increasing collectibles in levels, or making you temporarily stronger, etc.). Oddly, there appear to be cards that can be collected, but their purpose remains unknown to me. There aren’t different ships to be unlocked, which is another bummer. Honestly, the experience as a whole was great, but it is constantly haunted by the game that came before it. It simply didn’t have as much content.

Classic shoot-em-up gameplay with modern graphics and sound.

The game is a scrolling shooter; your ship progresses through the level and you position it to take out obstacles and enemies. Along the way, there are collectables to pick up, such as abandoned passengers. Medals are awarded for completing levels and for some other tasks, such as destroying every enemy or not taking any damage. After completing all challenges, you can run through the level again on a harder difficulty. To progress, you’ll need to fulfil a lot of these extra goals. While they could be accomplished in one perfect run, the aim is to repeat the levels and grind out the medals that you need. This gets a little tedious after a while. Once you start re-running levels on the harder difficulty to get more medals this stops being tedious and becomes grating. The emblems you collect along the way are used to upgrade your ship and power up. Some power-ups are fairly pedestrian like health but additional attacks spice things up a bit. None are really needed to progress. Since there are so many upgrades to grind for, each only improves your ship by a small amount. It is easy to become invested in the medals you need to progress to the next level or upgrade your ship. Dreams of Desire Definitive

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

However, despite being pretty compelling you’re never left particularly satisfied by Sky Force. While the gameplay can occupy you for a while with its addicting mechanics, it doesn’t give you much of a sense of accomplishment. The experience is pretty typical of mobile games that only aim to keep the user playing rather than entertained. Although the control scheme and gameplay during levels remains simple enough, there’s some clever design choices here to break up the monotony. One level in particular disables the ability to shoot leaving you to rely solely on manoeuvring the plane away from gunfire through the level. On top of this, there are also specific objectives to complete in each level. These ranges from destroying all enemies through to avoiding being hit for the whole level. A full set of 4 medals unlocks a harder difficulty for that level with more powerful enemies and more medals. Most of the later levels in the game have a medal requirement before you can play them too so you may well find yourself grinding the early levels to obtain enough stars to continue. Whilst this might sound like a tedious grind, the medals and special cards you can collect combined with the upgrades accumulated from dropped enemy stars do enough to stave off any tedium.

Over 10 different planes to unlock and upgrade.

Sky Force Anniversary is simply a really fun retro shoot em up. The vertical shooter boasts a gorgeous visual aesthetic and the clever use of upgrades and other collectables do a good job of alleviating any tedium that could have built up from the repetitive gameplay. Although there’s only 8 levels to complete, Sky Force does include three different difficulty levels for each one with their own set of objectives to complete for more medals. As a throwback to the forgotten era of top down vertical shooters, Sky Force is a great homage. Its incredibly good fun and the upgrades and level design go a long way to helping achieve this, even if the game is lacking in variety at times. Its unlikely you’ll find such a good looking vertical shooter that nails the old school feel of gameplay quite as well as Sky Force Anniversary and for this reason its hard not to love what the game has achieved here. The overall game package is well-presented. The 3D models for the scenery and music elevate the title quite a bit. However, no amount of thrills can dress up the fairly boring act of actually playing. There is a lack of depth behind the environments that you fly through. Drizzlepath Deja Vu PS5

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

While they look nice and the larger enemy ships can become epic in scale, you’re just holding the attack button and moving the ship backwards and forewords. The visual polish seems disconnected to the simplistic mechanics. The game works a lot better in handheld mode than docked. The gameplay lends itself better to this. It is the type of experience that you’ll enjoy absentmindedly while talking or watching a movie. The original version of this title was free to play on iOS and Android. Frankly, you can tell. The mechanics are designed to hold a player captive to grind up to the next upgrade, but you never really accomplish anything other than moving on to the next target. With a powered up sequel already available on the Switch for the same price, there isn’t much reason to bother with Sky Force Anniversary. How you approach the expanding challenge thrown up by the game is up to you. Do you go for increased health or ignore that in favour of powering-up your weapons? Do you try and level-up things equally or initially focus on your magnet to make grinding for stars for the other upgrades easier? Whatever approach you take, you will be replaying the levels multiple times. Not necessarily because you lack sufficient upgrades to see you through, but because (like Reloaded) clearing one stage is not the only requirement to get to the next; you also need to have collected a set number of medals.

Multiple difficulty levels to challenge players of all skill levels.

As before, medals are typically awarded for destroying 70 percent and 100 percent of the enemies, clearing the stage without being hit and rescuing all the stranded people (hover over them for a moment to collect). You can try and achieve all of this in one go (and it’ll certainly help your score), but it’s easier if you don’t. You’re going to be replaying the levels anyway so you might as well mix things up, with rescue runs, total destruction and self-preservation flights providing a different feel to each of the others. Stage five is this game’s ‘no weapon’ level, swapping out the enemy destruction goals for star collection ones. With an EMP blast taking out your armaments at the beginning of the stage, a steady hand is required to slip between the slow but constant lines of bullets and occasional cannon fire. Or, if you’d like to play a bit differently, it is possible to dodge the EMP blast. This doesn’t turn it into a regular level however as the blast continues to chase you throughout, requiring fast reflexes as you attempt to snake away from it while hoping to destroy the various turrets and bullet-spewing machines before you plough into them.

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Sky Force Anniversary Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Either way of playing the level provides a change of pace to the rest of the main game that works well, but it is the frantic movement of the EMP avoidance approach that provides the most fun. And once you do unlock new levels, they aren’t really all that new or varied to make all the grinding worth it. Despite some superficial changes they are all the same experience you see right from the beginning. Put it all together and that fun I experienced at the beginning of my playtime hit a pretty big wall around the mid-point, and the experience just didn’t sustain itself in the long run. Sky Force Anniversary is a slick-looking game that is easy to pick up, play and enjoy for a while, but just be prepared to put in some serious time repeating levels if you want to make it to the end of this air raid with all your wings intact. Sky Force Anniversary comes equipped with nine stages, each with three levels of difficulty. You have to start on the easy mode, where you are at your weakest.

To unlock the harder options, you have to complete the four medal challenges (kill 70% and 100% of all enemies, save all pilots stranded in the level, and complete the level without taking damage). I didn’t find not being able to choose a difficulty from the get-go to be a huge deal, because as you play, you collect stars, which you can trade in for upgrades to your ship. And as you upgrade, that difficulty level will naturally become easier. To progress to new levels, you have to beat the level before it, and you need to have collected a certain number of medals. So, rather than expecting to get through all nine levels right away, you’re probably going to be replaying old levels over and over to grind for upgrades. On paper, this sounds incredibly boring to me. But I will admit that Sky Force Anniversary does a stellar job of making the player feel rewarded. Every upgrade to your weapons immediately makes you feel more powerful. Moving to the next layer of difficulty shows the progression by showering the player in stars. Killing a chain of enemies becomes much quicker. It’s a dopamine-drip that you can easily get hooked on while listening to music or a podcast. Distant Kingdoms 

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