Backfirewall Free Download


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Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Backfirewall initially reminded me of a quirky Pixar film. Those movies where the normally mundane or inconsequential is reimagined as something much grander and anthropomorphised. For Backfirewall imagine the flipped reality of Inside Out, Wreck it Ralph, or Toy Story, but applied to a mobile phone, with all your apps and processes having consciousness and existing right beneath your very nose. And the crux of the plot revolves around whether or not you should perform the latest OS update. It sounds dull, but thanks to the quirky characters, setting, and execution it feels more believable and important than it has any right to be. You are the Update Assistant, tasked with updating the mobile device you find yourself in, to OS 10.1.1. The natural order of things would be simply completing your task, and the phone gets a shiny new update, with all the latest features. But just as you plan on completing your goal, the incumbent OS9 appears and begs you to stop. Going ahead with the update would mean killing him and yourself, and he implores you to find another way. And if there’s one thing I’ll always strive for in video games, it is to not die. So now, you’re following the rogue “boss” of the system, looking to navigate your way through the various phone areas, avoiding security, and interacting with various apps and support functions along the way. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Backfirewall is predominantly split into two parts. The first is simple exploration, whereby you navigate the weirdly imagined world, avoiding pitfalls and the dreaded security robots. You’ll also find collectibles in the form of text messages revealing more about your phone user and their interactions. There are also toys to collect and system bugs to find. The movement and platform-lite elements work fine, controlling as well as you expect. Backfirewall_ has players take control of a phone’s update assistant, preparing to take the device from OS9 to OS10. Before this can happen, OS9 takes the time to introduce himself to the player and walk them through their first steps until briefly meeting his body, which is quickly destroyed, leaving his consciousness to be integrated into the player’s body. OS9 is an immediately lovable narrator that is full of sarcastic wit and sincerity, two traits that become even clearer as the adventure goes on. The characterization and vocal performance of OS9, as well as Backfirewall_’s meta comedy, makes it nearly impossible to not favorably compare to The Stanley Parable’s excellent structure.

Players must manage resources, such as money or points, to upgrade their defenses and progress through the game.

Let’s start with a part of the game that Backfirewall_ does wonderfully: it’s characters. OS9 is an interesting character mainly depicted as a yellow, pixelated eyeball that hangs around the top right of the player’s screen. Throughout the story, he behaves like a fun easy-going boss that is very selfish, but in a charming and endearing way. OS9’s English voice actor, Nicolas Oberson, was perfectly chosen for the part, largely due to his delivery of dry, rambling comedic monologues. This characteristic becomes apparent right from the get go, when the player is selecting their volume options and being lectured about the etymology of the word hippopotamus. Characters like this in other games often become annoying, but thankfully, OS9’s cheerful and natural voice never does. While OS9 does take center stage throughout the whole game, he’s just one of many personified pieces of software that the player will meet. These programs, apps, software, etc. all have well-designed character models and appropriate names to help the player easily recognize them. One of the more prevalent characters has a book for a face – you might be able to guess what app he represents. The small parts that each character play throughout the story work to create an easy-to-follow and light-hearted narrative. A Dance of Fire and Ice 

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Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

While it isn’t necessary, players can dive deeper into the characters, their relationships, and their stories by reading logs that are scattered throughout the game. Personally, I skimmed these and didn’t find them to have a lot of interesting exposition, but they are nice for discovering more about your favorite characters and their relationships. Backfirewall_ takes place inside… a cell phone. For some bizarre reason, when inside a smartphone, apps take physical form and become sentient beings. They live in a civilization where they have lives, jobs, functions, and serve a greater good. This is all in service of pleasing the owner of the phone, who they see as a superior being. It’s almost like the premise from The Emoji Movie or Ralph Breaks the Internet, but done right. Please, Naraven Games, don’t kill me for the comparison. You control an update assistant, who teams up with the current OS (represented by an eye icon who travels along with you, commenting on everything like Wheatley from Portal 2). You’ll travel through the different areas of the phone, both software and hardware-wise, in order to… stop the update from happening.

The game includes cooperative multiplayer options, allowing players to team up and take on challenges together.

I don’t want to get into additional details regarding the plot, as the sheer nonsense happening before your eyes is half the reason you’ll want to play Backfirewall_ to begin with, but I can say it’s a perfect mixture of “really smart” with “really ridiculous”. It’s a clever plot with some creative dialogue sections, even though the characters themselves felt average at best. The banter uttered by the OS ended up being the game’s highlight, even though your playable character, like Chell in Portal, is a silent protagonist. Backfirewall_ is never truly hilarious, it never made me laugh out loud, but its premise never bored me either. It was consistently “kinda funny” throughout its entire runtime, and that’s already enough for me. In addition to exploration, there are puzzle sections to Backfirewall too. These tend to be sectioned off into specific areas and revolve around you creating errors. You do this by disproving certain statements which are currently correct. Early examples are around the number of boxes in the area, which you can remove. But later on, these require a bit more thought and also some cheeky spats of mischief too. A Plague Tale: Requiem 

Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The puzzle elements are tutorialised at the start of the game, and then properly introduced as the story progresses. You are able to remove items, duplicate them, raise or lower them (known as inverting), or alter the colour of objects. These manipulations are used to create errors, and when you create enough errors, you can move on to the next section. This creates an almost escape room-type vibe, as you explore your surroundings trying to piece together what you need to do. It never reaches the puzzle heights of say, Escape Academy, but there’s enough here to flex your grey matter for a while in between the exploration and story progression. The puzzles will never stump you for long, but you’ll still likely reflect on them before the solution becomes apparent. But there is enough to keep you going in between these puzzle sections beyond simply trying to progress. There’s clearly something strange going on, the Health App seems to have gone rogue for example, and you’re unsure why. You’ll meet the sophisticated Photos app or the various Social Media apps each with their own quirks and worries. There’s flex to the emotions on display too – it isn’t all zany weirdness, but there are also wholesome moments, as well as a couple of heart-wrenching ones too. And it makes the journey more engaging.

Players can customize the look and functionality of their defenses to make them unique and personal.

Logs aren’t the only pieces of lore for the player to discover, either. The game is chock-full of small snippets that help flesh out the world, or system, of the cellphone. For example, there are cookies (like fortune cookies, but also computer cookies), dialog, pictures, text messages, and notes that all do a lot of work in immersing the player. While I definitely didn’t feel like I needed to read everything to understand the story, the extra details were pleasant distractions while exploring. It was also easy to tell that the writers had a lot of fun, and put plenty of thought into the game. Small nuances – such as using terms like shift and folder as swear words – gave the game a unique flavor of comedy that was tasteful and creative. A Sinful Camp

Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Backfirewall Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

While on the way to the update room, players are taught the four main commands used to solve the game’s puzzles: delete, invert, color mode, and duplicate. These actions are used constantly, whether it be deleting boxes or debris, inverting the direction of bits or items, changing the color of certain objects and buttons, and duplicating various items to meet quantity requirements. After learning the basics, players enter the update room and are greeted by the new OS and a presentation of its upcoming features. OS9 interrupts this and reveals that performing this update will kill him, the player, and many other systems that operate under him. With this revelation, OS9 and the player set out to sabotage the new update.

The world of, well, the phone you’re in feels lived-in too. You can discover titbits of information from characters, and from graffiti that adorns the corridors hinting at fractious relationships and other nuances to how things are going and how characters are feeling. And it’s all held together by OS9, your guide, who clearly has his own agenda and drive, but delivers his performance as your companion with some well-written lines that keep you grounded in the otherwise fantastical setting. Backfirewall is a competent, enjoyable puzzle game, with a good amount of character development and story to keep you through until the end. It doesn’t do anything revolutionary, or have many unique ideas in terms of gameplay but manages to live off its unique setting idea, which it sticks the landing on. It offers up an interesting experience from a new perspective that sticks with you, like those Pixar films. And I’ll admit, even I’ve now considered whether I want to proceed with my latest phone update now. Thank you backfirewall for that paranoia.


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