Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download


Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET You guide Myriam, as her life changes in a new city and finds herself pushed out of a sheltered life, will she embrace her new found independence or will she slip back into the comfort of a subservient life; will she venture forth and explore her repress desires and the opportunities that open up to her or will she let herself be submerged by life; will she follow the advice of good people or be manipulated by evil ones; and of all those weird events that she will fall upon… You decide.​ Project Myriam is a slice of life VN about a MILF and her daily struggles with her life, kids, job, and lust. It does a lot of things quite well. I generally liked the renders, the story elements and several of the characters. The game is full of choices and you can opt out of just about anything, though you might need to be a little careful with your saves. There are a few points of no return a decent distance after a choice. The characters are generally fine, pushing slightly over toward the side of good. While most tend to be on the horny side of realism, none of them step too dramatically far from reasonable. However, there are a rather large number of characters who are total assholes which meant I opted out of a lot of content (mostly non-con and rape). I feel like how much you like each character, and potentially allowing Myriam to be abused by them, will determine how much of the content of the game you see and how much you enjoy the game overall. Well it is an extended version of Anna’s Exciting Affection with more extreme kinks.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Mi is older but has a similar body. Formula is the same, force the female MC in a sticky situation and get the slutty option for lewd content. Uncorrupted path in these games are bland and boring so it feels like there is no choice, just the illusion. In the end it is a series of porn sketches and fetishes in a timeline. There is no gallery menu, so missing lewd content can’t be spotted. Points system for kinks is a good effort for build up but I can’t care less to be honest. Yeah for games like this I don’t know why devs spend the effort to make it a Renpy VN if the story and underlying reasons for corruption is nonexistent. Making kinky animations in Blender is more lucrative prospect. Why the people are so into rule 34 do you think? Because they want to see the famous beautiful and sexy protagonists in ways unimaginable. Is Mi’s character developed in a way that I want to see her passed around like a whore, hmmm no I think. She is just a crazy nympho that is forgettable and eye candy for the scenes. I skipped most of the text because it felt like a filler and watching porn in full. Also visual aspect is OK but not enough for a game that only has visuals and lewd content going for it. So 3 stars since it is the dev’s first game and there is a decent effort put into it. You might enjoy it for the richness in fetishes but not my cup of tea. Myriam is beautiful, I really love to follow her!

The renders are pretty nice.

Most important, for me, is that the player gets “to make Myriam your own and write her story”, as the author states. I’m not into many of the possible kinks and only play because they can be avoided (and not just skipped, Myriam indeed changes accordingly). I really like the lesbian content and enjoy collecting sapphic points. Very much looking forward to continue to put them to good use. Also like the exhibitionism and of course the masturbation content. Obvious wish list is just more of that, particularly on the lesbian route, ideally with Katherine or to see Nubia again, but I’ll be happy with whatever fits the story. And while it might doesn’t, some (real) futa / Myriam action would be stunning! Great game, great renders, highly recommended for everyone who likes choices to have an impact. I have been waiting to play this game for a while. I really like main character look so I waited until lot of content piled up. Well, It was… disappointing. I like to complete or discover every options for both my personal preferences and as a fellow content creator to learn something about various things. Anyway, there were fetishes I liked but I have really enough for this shitty qos/cuck stuff. I understand dev wanted to make every fetish in the game and I also understand this is just pixels etc. but at this point this shit is -not just for this game- overused as fuck and it cut your enjoyement from other things/fetishes/kinks really fast like a sharp blade.Arietta of Spirits

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

It is way to stupid that in one scene she is choking to some leg long dick(only happen to be black dudes for qos fetishes because non-other person or fetish/kink content can have big dick -ah of course that retarted dude in the beginning of the game) in another scene after that she is also choking to thumb sized dick. Does anybody really fall to this? Either gave your all characters all decent size body proportions or make everything realistic in the first place. Its kill your enjoyment from rest of the game for every other possible interaction with other characters and you exit the game not that much later. After I saw cg image file, I can say I didn’t even reach to latest patch and I am not going to continue to play it again. Also, another major problem; fetishes you may want to see can be directly crossing with qos content. Even love/dating and silly fucked content always in the qos content. Like I said I had enough with this shit as a content creator and as a player/reader. I understand there are even fucking aliens, mummies etc. in the game and dev even said at the beginning of the game “you can find every fetishes you like” but this quickly turned into another major qos/cuck bait. Another potential destroyed thanks to this. This one is minor for me but like others said in their reviews main character turns into walking cock-sleeve. I cannot blame to dev for this, it is the nature of female protagonist games.

A wide variety of fetishes.

I originally wanted to give this 2 stars but I am only giving this game 3 stars because for the labor/work spent in the game. It is hard to make content and when I saw amount of render, I felt that hardwork. Also, main character hot as fuck. This game probably going to my ignore list but I hope see dev future works with more refined works with feedbacks. Project Myriam is a slice of life VN about a MILF and her daily struggles with her life, kids, job, and lust. It does a lot of things quite well. I generally liked the renders, the story elements and several of the characters. The game is full of choices and you can opt out of just about anything, though you might need to be a little careful with your saves. There are a few points of no return a decent distance after a choice. The characters are generally fine, pushing slightly over toward the side of good. While most tend to be on the horny side of realism, none of them step too dramatically far from reasonable. However, there are a rather large number of characters who are total assholes which meant I opted out of a lot of content (mostly non-con and rape). I feel like how much you like each character, and potentially allowing Myriam to be abused by them, will determine how much of the content of the game you see and how much you enjoy the game overall.STORY OF SEASONS A Wonderful Life Switch NSP

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The game play is generally on the good side for VNs. There are a huge number of choices, a huge number of stats which are affected by these choices, and a reasonably significant number of choices which are affected by your stats. I feel like the system could be a little more pervasive in forcing Myriam down certain paths if she’s developed certain kinks or a certain mood, but in general, everything flows fairly smoothly. However, there are certain times I feel like each story block feels very distant from one another. Some of Myriam’s experiences can be world changing (there’s a LOT of potential rape) and these events don’t seem to effect Myriam too deeply. I understand that the story needs to keep moving, but it really cheapens the emotional impact and comes across as very unrealistic. Frankly, the end result isn’t quite enough yet. However, there is probably a subset of people that will absolutely love this game if you’re into watching Myriam be used and abused. Personally though, while I greatly enjoyed parts of Project Myriam, it falls short of complete brilliance. It’s possible that the game could improve as individual storylines advance and reach completion, though. This game really surprised me – I mean, I’ve played a lot of corruption games, but this one feels fresh and has something for everyone. There is a lot of variety and many ways for Myriam to become defiled. The writing is excellent, especially for a non-native English speaker, and the renders are lovely. Really well done.


One of the best female protagonist game I’ve ever played. As others have said the story is just a build-up for sexual encounters but it manages to set the tone . There is a lot of freedom in choosing what you want to explore and how you want your Miriam to be as the title suggests. The scenes are actually fantastic! On top of that the updates are regular and the game progresses nicely. I hope Zorlun keeps continuing and providing good games like this. Second, most of the models are rather pleasant to the eye. In fact, the only one that I found to be most displeasing was the main protagonist, which is why I had to take away one star. She’s just TOO over the top in proportions. Kind of sad given nearly every other woman is rather well sculpted. To each their own and there are certainly VNs on here that are far worse but it just ruined the overall crafting of it for me personally. Lastly, technical. Everything seems to run fine for me. UI is pretty standard. I think it’s a little heavy on the traits and kinks counting and, without doing a second playthrough, I can’t really say just how much effect it all actually has. Grammar could certainly use a proofreader but overall not bad given it’s not the dev’s first language. I mean, over all I never had a moment where, even at it’s worst, I had any difficulty understanding it.

This is an interesting VN in concept but badly executed. Everything happens so quickly that nothing feels rewarding. The renders are alright, but Myriam isn’t really very appealing to look at. This game might appeal to fans of A Wife and Mother that hate the slow-burn of that game since the plot feels very similar. Although without the slow burn nothing about the events feels very exciting to watch since Myriam goes all out if you decide to follow a path of events without any sort of gradual escalation. I guess this has its fans, but it is just not for me. The renders aren’t the best. I like that the MC actually looks like an older woman, but I don’t like the… measurements? She’s a little too out there size wise (boobs and butt in particular) for my tastes. For all the different scenarios that come along, the writing is surprisingly solid. Not going to win any awards, but it makes the situations at least semi-credible, which is all it needs to do, really. I also like that Myriam is not an insta-slut. She can (and does) do some pretty crazy things, but she still has doubts and concerns about things. It feels much more believable that she’s just getting swept away by lust (or other emotions) a lot of the time. Aside from the renders being serviceable but not great (other games have raised the bar for renders.

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Project Myriam Life and Explorations Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

I wish Anthony was a bit better written and a bit more appealing. The domineering husband can be an amusing kink, but here it strains credulity. Given her other options, I find it hard to justify Myriam sticking around as long as she does with how outright abusive and ugly Anthony is. A more attractive and manipulative character would have been more interesting, imo. Some of the scenarios feel a little disjointed as well. I suspect because the author is just trying to jam as many kinks in as they can. The homeless guy, for one, seems superfluous. Beyond that, however, its a very solid game and development is progressing surprisingly quickly, so its definitely one of the better offerings right now. There are a bewildering number of stats to track in this title, and I’m not sure how many of them are actually leveraged in how the game branches, as many of the actual available paths appear to be determined more by prior choices than the actual kink score. That said, there is definitely content that is gated by points, but it’s not really clear what threshold the player needs to achieve to unlock them. This is a minor complaint really. For pure sexual deviance, the dev has let his freak flag fly in the most glorious of ways, and Myriam can be as fucked up twisted as you want her to be, up to and including fucking her dog, horse, half her students, her family, and anyone else she stumbles across in her day-to-day.Death in the Water 2

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