Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download


Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Crowdfunding wasn’t invented for space games that overpromise, underdeliver, and grow a cult around themselves. In fact, it can deliver unto the scene beautiful games that never would have seen the light of day otherwise. For example, here’s a post-apocalyptic sci-fi CRPG like few others, Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG. It’s the 1970s, and a huge Dome of unknown providence is discovered in the desert. Covering an area around 100 kilometers from end to end, it’s full of baleful anomalies and alluring artifacts. The Cold War is immediately put on hold as the entire world pools resources to explore the Dome via the newly established CRONUS corporation. You’re one of the few volunteers selected for a one-way trip into this world — the Dome doesn’t let living beings leave — and things go awry soon after your arrival. If you had enough luck to play Fallout 2, this is very much a modern take on the style but with a wide variety of twists that make Encased very much its own thing. For one, it’s not the world that’s gone to hell — it’s just the Dome. The apocalypse didn’t happen hundreds of years ago. It’s actually still happening. You’re not immersed into a world of 1950s Americana. It’s the 1970s and CRONUS is a multicultural project.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

The list goes on! At heart of Encased sits the Encased RPG engine, which would be a terrifying thing to run in a pen-and-paper form. It’s fairly standard, with your character Stats — such as Brain, Brawn, and Charisma — being fairly static and feeding into a variety of derived statistics. Your skills, Combat and Non-combat, will be the main source of improvement. This is especially pertinent as skill tracks are split into 30-point increments, with each new tier unlocking four new active or passive abilities. So, this isn’t Fallout where pumping Light Weapons merely increases your hit chance. Nay, in Encased you also unlock bullet-delivered debuffs and more powerful attacks. It’s fairly straightforward when it comes to guns, but a lot hides under the Non-combat skills. Want to use grenades and freakier gadgets? You’ll need to boost the Contraptions skill, which will let you utilize stealth field generators, jet packs, and construct Devil Cores (which cause terror rather than terrifying radiation poisoning). Want to become the master of Servoshells? Piloting will make you the most dangerous thing in power armor outside of Space Marines, as well as making you an excellent stunt driver. Oh, and there are also Fallout-esque Perks you’ll get every three levels, which can lead your interesting places.

Encased RPG – First Settlers Helmet.

For example, having Charisma 6 allows you to boost your fortitude because you’ve spent so much time convincing people that you’re badass that you convinced yourself. Want to make best use of all the drugs available in the game? Well, with Psychonaut your psi-powers will be stronger if you’re as high as a kite, or an Airplane ( that’s what the drug all psykers want to use is called). Together with skills, they allow you to tailor your character as much as you want, including specializing for stealth, or doing a solo run without any companions. Perks, by the way, are just continuing the tradition of the starting quirk you choose at character generation. The former just aren’t as powerful as the latter, which immediately grant you starting competence in every gun. But they both allow for weirdness, like being the most direct descendant of Neanderthals or gaining combat skills in exchange for never wearing pants and jackets (it’s a cultural thing). You also get a unique perk as well as some skill scores from choosing one of the five Wings: Black is for security, Silver for admin, Orange for prisoners turned indentured menials, etc. This is the closest thing this game has to class differences or a caste system. Humanity’s path in the world of Encased evolved much like our own until the 1970s, when the discovery of the Dome changed everything.Clunky Hero

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

The mysterious dome full of supernatural phenomena of unknown origin was the spark that ignited the explosive development of technology and the rapid change in the status quo. However, the miracle of the Dome was not offered to humanity without a heavy price: Anyone who chooses to enter the Dome can never come out of it again. The game’s protagonist is one of the many employees of the Cronus corporation that is dedicated solely to the study of the Dome and the wonders that occur within it. Why did he leave the world behind and decide to enter the open prison of the Dome? Maybe it was scientific curiosity, maybe it was the dream of getting rich quick, maybe it was the need for a fresh start, depending on the character you want to play. Whatever the reason, a new world opens up before you, and its future is largely in your hands. Encased belongs to the computer RPG genre, of course, and the whole presentation will bring tears of nostalgia to fans of the traditional Fallout games of the Interplay era, before Bethesda’s acquisition of the series. The action takes place across multiple maps that are linked together by an overworld that naturally represents the expanse of the Dome. Moving around the maps and overworld is done in real time, but once combat begins we switch to a classic turn-based combat system based on initiative and action points.

Explore a Huge World.

Contrary to the prevailing trend that wants most turn-based games to mimic the style of Firaxis’ modern XCOM, Encased stays true to its main source of inspiration and doesn’t use a cover system beyond the basic rules of line of sight. In my opinion, Encased’s strengths are found in its interesting world, the writing in the dialogues and quests, the successful leveling system and the multiple opportunities given to the player to influence the way the quests are solved and the wider game world with his choices. Life within the Dome has great contrasts, multiple factions fighting for dominance, stark inequality and frequent misery. It is up to you to decide what your place in this world will be. Do you want to be a force of goodness and hope, a source of malice and self-centeredness, or something in between? Your every significant action is recorded by the reputation system and makes you more likeable or dislikeable to the warring factions, unlocking the corresponding choices of alliances or confrontations. The leveling system consists of a few basic stats and a number of skills that you can upgrade with skill points after each level up, and sometimes you will be able to choose a perk. The skills are divided into two categories, those that are combat related and the others that give you additional options in quests (e.g. tech, science, medicine etc.).Pizza Tower

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

The very positive thing is that skill checks are used constantly in the various quests and dialogues, so your choices during the character creation and leveling stage have a direct, lasting and substantial impact on the kind of options available to you for solving a quest. I really liked this particular feature of Encased because it gives the player the opportunity to constantly see the effect of their choices and the impact on the game world in a very different way depending on the type of character. The combat system on the other hand I found less interesting, not because it is seriously flawed but because it is simply functional and not very complex. The development of various combat skills gives access to special moves and abilities depending on the type of weapon and the truth is that there is quite a lot of variety in the available weaponry, while the resistances certain enemies have to certain types of damage requires the player to have at least one alternative weapon of a different type, either himself or his party members. However, in practice I found that in most battles (on the Classic difficulty level, the second highest) the use of more than 1-2 different abilities is not required, the enemy AI usually only does the basics, and the developers did not pay much attention to encounter design so most battles are somewhat static.

Team Up With Unique Companions.

Also, the game’s stealth system can be exploited very easily because the enemies are rather. hard of hearing. so you can kite them from a stealth position and wipe out whole groups of soldiers or monsters by dragging them one by one towards you, with the rest of them whistling indifferently even if they pass by a corpse. Once you’re familiar with the basics, you are thrust into an open world filled with riches and danger. The old ways are gone – ground into dust by the powerful Maelstrom – and rising from the ashes are six powerful factions, vying for control over the ravaged landscape under the Dome. Will they be allies or enemies? That choice – and the future of the Dome – is in your hands. Not everyone under the Dome is your friend; quite the reverse in fact. If you’re a smart likeable character (with a high charisma rating) you might be able to talk your way out of things. But more likely it’s time for a bit of ultra-violence. And that means weapons; lots of weapons. And there’s no shortage of choice: from high tech beam weapons through to a solid right hook, there’s loads of way to bring down a hostile group of foes. Of course, you can be a pacifist and use non-lethal force but that’s a story for another day.

The hostile and unforgiving world can be a lonely place; so why not team up with some like-minded individuals and face the challenges together. From hardened criminals built like mountains or scientists with a shady past, there’s a host of different potential companions to journey with, each replete with their own unique personality and skills. Or you can just go “Lone Wolf” and face everything alone; it’s not an easy road but you can play this way too if you so wish. Encased is full of choices: from what sort of character you will be, what wing you will join and how honourable a person you are. What equipment do you take? How will you fight? Do you craft better weapons or armour? And it doesn’t stop there. You will hold lives in the balance and will have to choose who survives and who perishes. And every decision you make will impact the story and your gaming experience. Well, no one said surviving Armageddon was going to be easy. Encased is an isometric RPG that wears and bears its role-playing roots proudly. It does so but presents an entirely new story. The time is the 1970s, but a version of the 1970’s where the Cold War has ended not because of emerging countries and détentes, but because of the Dome. All the countries of the world shifted their attention to a previously unexplored desert, for there lies an area containing an anomaly of unknown origin.

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

Encased A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG Free Download By Unlocked-games

A supercorporation called CRONUS is created to study the Dome, which then becomes the defacto controlling world body as individual nations vie to unlock the secrets of the Dome. You play as a CRONUS employee engaged in researching the Dome, hoping to determine its purpose and why the Forefathers who created it are no longer around. You can approach Encased in several ways that depend on the character type and attributes you choose. Many outcomes are plausible depending on your play style, be it brute force, stealth, or tech-based. Further mixing possibilities up is a storyline that moves through time before, during, and after a crucial moment in the game’s timeline. Different choices will also occur depending on which guild, or in this case, wing you decide to become an employee for. The five wings that you can choose from are color-based: Black – Military, Blue – Tech, White – Biology, Silver – Command, and Orange – Criminal. Knowing which wing you decide to work for is helpful for the character creation stage. Each Wing has Bonus Attributes you should know when creating a character from scratch. You can also choose from a set of template characters too. If character creation is your thing, you can spend hours crafting one that matches your tastes.AColony

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