Pizza Tower Free Download


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Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET Nintendo classics have always been ripe pickings for indie reimaginings. Series like Mario and Zelda have directly inspired greats like Shovel Knight and Tunic, and you can’t walk five-feet without stepping into a new metroidvania. But I’ve often pondered, where were the Wario Land revivals? Its mix of high-speed platforming, exploration, and anarchic, slapstick energy made for some of the Game Boy’s crown jewels. Well, looks like I wasn’t the only one to have that thought—in the last few years, we’ve suddenly had an influx of Wario-likes, from the breakout-inspired Antonball Deluxe and its upcoming sequel Anton Blast, to a Doom mod called Treasure Tech. Pizza Tower was announced right at the start of the trend, back in 2018, and now it’s finally here. Turns out it was well worth the wait. We join aging pizza chef Peppino Spaghetti as he’s sitting in his pizzeria, worrying about making enough to keep the lights on. Suddenly, he’s paid a visit by the nefarious Pizza Face—who is, of course, a giant floating pizza with a face. Pizza Face informs him that his home—the titular Pizza Tower—will soon shoot a giant laser at the pizzeria, destroying it instantly.TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

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Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

And so begins Peppino’s high-speed quest to climb the tower and stop his cheesy nemesis. As you can probably tell, the game revels in the absurd. On top of the Wario Land inspiration, it also blends in the vibes of off-beat ’90s cartoons like Ren & Stimpy, for a potently wacky mix. Peppino himself is a joy to control. He may be a timid, and anxious little chef, but he plays like an army tank with a Ferrari engine. He has a grab attack, a dash, a super jump and a dedicated taunt button which doubles as a parry—a swiss army knife of satisfying platformer tools. And even when he’s at a full, manic sprint, the game is incredibly tight and responsive. It feels poised to be the next great speedrunning game, at its best evoking the glory days of Sonic the Hedgehog. Outside of boss fights, Peppino is invincible, with hits instead only taking away from your overall score—an idea that’s complemented by a Devil May Cry-esque combo system. This also plays into the game’s creatively grim power-ups, which submit him to all sorts of punishment—including being set on fire, turned into a cheese monster, or flattened into a sentient pizza box. He suffers for his delicious art, but it never slows him down. Pizza Tower boasts 19 levels of platforming goodness, each of which has its own set of secret areas and treasures. Throughout these levels, you need to rescue the captured, sentient pizza toppings (yes, sickos, pineapple is one of them).

EXPLORE up to 5 floors leading to many levels, discover all of their secrets!

Each one nets you cash, which in turn is used to unlock the boss of each of the game’s five hub areas. The toppings are usually hard to miss, but the secret areas and treasures will test your exploration skills—though none feel unfair to find. Each stage has its own wild gimmicks, from a chicken who sits in Peppino’s hat granting him extra maneuverability with its flaps, to a claw that grabs him and swings him around by his overalls. It’s impressive that, with how much variety there is to discover, it really never stumbles, and it speaks to the versatility of Peppino’s moveset that he fits so seamlessly into so many different scenarios. The game’s bosses are equally as inventive. You’ll face challenges like a gun duel with a sentient cheese cowboy, or a brawl with Peppinos arch-rival, The Noise, a mischievous gremlin who may or may not be based on a certain ’90s pizza mascot. I won’t spoil it here, but the final boss and subsequent finale of the game are both incredible, and match the likes of Bayonetta for sheer spectacle. Throughout the game, the vibrant pixel art invests every enemy, item and background with twitchy, madcap personality. Peppino himself never speaks, and yet he feels like a rich, full character purely on the strength of his animations.AColony

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Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Each level’s title card takes that art style in a new direction—from a Terminator pastiche, to a homage to Castlevania. It’s all a joy to behold, and it’s genuinely funny, bursting with visual gags that had me cackling out loud more than anything I’ve played in years. That’s complemented by an appropriately intense soundtrack, which combines retro-styled themes with clever sampling in a way that reminded me of Jet Set Radio. My personal favourite tune has to be It’s Pizza Time, which plays as you race against the clock to escape each level after its finale—it’s an absolutely breakneck song that couldn’t more perfectly put you in the mood to blow through a stage. Pizza Tower is an unashamed ode to Wario Land—but in my eyes it has eclipsed it. Before, I was eagerly awaiting a new entry in Nintendo’s series, but now I’m not too fussed, because it’s hard to imagine it being as inventive and exciting as this imitator. It takes what made that series so great, and expands on it tenfold. The result is one of the best and most satisfying platformers out there today. To put it simply: you knead to play it. I’m a huge fan of Wario games, been playing them since Wario Land 1 and 2 on the original Gameboy, and even once wrote reviews of them for a different site (don’t bother looking, they got lost in a server crash on said site and are being re-reviewed by myself at a later date).

FIGHT some monsters and other weirdos!

but Wario is another one of those franchises neglected by Nintendo ever since the mid-Wii era when Nintendo went through some sort of existential crisis. I digress. Point is, we’ve been hurting for a sultry new Wario game of grungy cartoonish antics and thought-provoking platforming puzzles. And as seems to be the case this year, fans once again provide. To drop a quick note before I forget, this is a review specifically of the SAGE 2k19 Demo for this game, I’ve played the original demo release for SAGE as well as the v1.4 with some revisions. The game is not complete yet, nor is the actual game’s story in this. The demo’s story is that the playable character, Peppino, got lost on the way to SAGE and wound up in a bootleg SAGE hosted by Snick the Porcupine. Pizza Tower is a game that blatantly wears its Wario Land inspiration on its shoulders, even stating that it is inspired by it on the creator’s twitter (link to twitter here), having aspects seen throughout the each of the classic games, but manages to have its own identity aside. The game is a platformer, and it’s your mission to run, jump, dash, go absolutely ballistic, wield a shotgun, piledrive foes, collect pizza toppings, discover secrets, and find your way to a big face thing at the end of levels, immediately deck it, and then make a break for the exit before a timer counts down to 0 and you hemorrhage pizza ingredients until you ultimate die of lack of pizza. Spelunky

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Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

You gain a score through collecting pizza-related items and defeating enemies, and getting a KO combo on your foes will yield even more points. These points will determine how Peppino feels after levels, giving a rank on your performance. More importantly, though, these points are what protect you at the end of stages. As mentioned, you punch a giant face and then it’s Pizza Time. Your score will slowly decrease as time goes down, but once time hits 0 your score will plummet dramatically, and if you don’t escape the level before THAT hits 0, you lose and get booted from the level and have to do it all over again. Taking hits from foes will also cause your score to drop, but you can protect yourself from harmful foe attacks by picking up weapons. Specifically, the Shotgun since that’s the only weapon in the demo. They act like a power-up in any ol’ platformer, giving you some enhanced abilities and shielding you from one clean hit. To get you through the stages, you have a good variety of moves, such as a grab attack that makes you dash forward a bit, breaking blocks and taking hold of any unsuspecting fool, letting you deal with them in a few ways such as piledriving, spinning them around and hurling them, biting them, and giving a good ol’ uppercut. You can also make a mad dash where you build up a lot of running speed and can blast through otherwise unbreakable blocks.

DESTROY everything in your path, including those stupid rats.

And even being able to tumble from that to break through blocks in a small space, or diving through the air with all the grace of a weird Italian man. You can also transfer your speed into a super jump that blasts you upwards, smashing blocks and foes in the way. You also get special forms that you take on from various circumstances, such as being hit with lightning turns you into a Knight that makes you super heavy, and grabbing a bomb will make Peppino freak out and run around hysterically until he inevitably explodes. The goal of each stage, as mentioned earlier, is to get to the end of them to punch a giant face and then make it to the exit near the start of the level while gaining as many points as possible from collecting pizza ingredients, secret treasures, Toppins (pizza-topping-like creatures), and KOing the various enemies found throughout the stages. As you progress through the stages, the music also evolves the deeper in you go, which I found was a nice touch. There are many puzzles to be solved in obtaining all these points, and some secrets are more hidden than others. There are three levels included in this demo that you can play (plus a tutorial), and upon completing them all you unlock the Snick Challenge, which has references for the creepypasta lover in you. After beating this challenge.

you unlock a character-specific to this demo: Snick! Snick is funky to play, not being able to drift like Peppino, but he’s also shorter than Peppino which allows him to barrel through spaces Peppino normally can’t. There are other amusing quirks, but I’ll leave them for you to discover. Pizza Tower is a fast paced 2D platformer inspired by the Wario Land series, with an emphasis on movement, exploration and score attack. Featuring highly stylized pixel art inspired by the cartoons from the ’90s, and a highly energetic soundtrack. Peppino Spaghetti, a surprisingly agile and powerful fat balding italian, is on a mission to destroy the titular Pizza Tower in order to save his restaurant from annihilation. Follow him through his rampage across the many wacky floors of the tower, collecting toppings and beating up monsters! Absolute pizza propaganda. This fever-dream is extremely mesmerizing, feels straight out of Newgrounds. Already making the replayability potential high IMO. Coupled with easy to pick up mechanics will make speed-running sprout fast. The OST rocks your meat and slaps you in the face, while also being chill and cozy as you zoom through stages.

Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

Pizza Tower Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

The developer is not shy about admitting that Pizza Tower is inspired by the Wario Land series and our “hero” Peppino is very similar to Wario. He is fat, Italian and he loves food. He also has a restaurant that is under threat from the Leaning Tower Of Pizza so he is out to destroy it before it destroys his restaurant. It is fun stuff and exactly the kind of premise you could imagine being in a Wario Land game. I used to love Nicktoons back in the 90s and Pizza Tower is a game that feels like it could be based on a classic Nickelodeon TV series from the 90s in the same style as something like Rocko’s Modern Life or Ren & Stimpy for example. It is bright, crazy, and completely over the top and I love it. It is also packed with crazy colors, lighting effects, and characters too. It reminds me of the Wario Land Shake game that came out for the Nintendo Wii back in the day. I just love the whole zany style of this game and it appealed to me the moment I saw it. The gameplay of Pizza Tower is very similar to the Wario Land games and that is to be expected as they are the main inspiration. We control Peppino and he is very quick and nimble for such a fat dude. He can do a bash like move similar to Wario and he can punch and use various special abilities as well. He feels great to control and the whole game just has a very responsive feel about it and anyone that loves 2D platformers is going to have a great deal of fun with this.Insomnis


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