3 Minutes to Midnight


3 Minutes to Midnight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET

3 Minutes to Midnight Free Download GAMESPACK.NET 3 Minutes to Midnight is not, as my brain keeps suggesting, a sequel to a classic Maiden track, but a point and click adventure game. I played it at EGX last weekend, because I really like PnCs, as we purists definitely call them (do not check that). Those old Lucasfilm/LucasArts ones like Day of the Tentacle and the Monkey Island series were some of the first games I ever played, and they taught me how puzzles in games are supposed to be solved. Point and click puzzle adventures have had a bit of a resurgence over the last few years, and it seems like every one of them kind of markets itself like it’s the first one to bring back the genre (3 Minutes to Midnight’s Steam page says “Yeah, puzzles — remember those?”, as if there hasn’t been a single puzzle in a game since 1989). In this case the game is set in the ‘40s, and the character I played is wearing a poodle skirt and a letterman jacket. That’s, like, two retros for the price of one. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

Betty Anderson, a plucky amnesiac teen, is one of two playable protagonists. I got to play as her in a short segment of B plot, so as not to spoil any of the puzzles in the main story. The cast of characters was suitably wacky: a raccoon, a man in a diving suit hunting a lake monster, and a girl playing host to three different personalities. She had a strong Laverne from Day of the Tentacle vibe. I was also a fan of what developers Scarecrow Studio describe as “high-def cartoon art”. The game has a cool Saturday morning cartoon vibe to it that I was really into. Lunar Nightmare Download

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