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Diari Free Download GAMESPACK.NET OK, so I was able to play the game in Beta and goodness it has grown so much. I love this game a lot, a lot of different endings and whatnot and they all seem very fleshed out. I’d say what the game markets itself as is pretty much what you’d expect. Imo a top notch-game, I wouldn’t say it’s celeste 2 even with it’s similarities. It takes those similarities and transforms and meshes them with such a cool gimmick, great game 9/10 Diari is a puzzle platformer at the least but can vary in its different styles of gameplay being compared to a souls-like or a Metroidvania. The game takes inspiration from platformers such as Celeste and Hollow Knight while still keeping its own identity and provides an unexplored concept in which you can see in many top-down RPGs where you can communicate directly to the character. The Assistant free download

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