偏差者(DEVIATOR)Free Steam Download


偏差者(DEVIATOR)Free Steam Download GAMESPACK.NET

偏差者(DEVIATOR)Free Steam Download GAMESPACK.NET I played the Deviator demo this evening and here are my thoughts. First off, I must admit that the game is very polished, everything runs smoothly, and the art is beautiful. I really want to like this game. However as someone with over 200 hours in Hollow Knight, I couldn’t stop noticing not just similarities, but direct copies all over the game. I’m trying to remain unbiased, so I’ve included lots of pictures to show exactly what I mean in an imgur album at the bottom of this post. To start off, the environments are extremely similar to HK. The green area looks nearly identical to Greenpath, and there are even these huge spikes that are identical to the ones found outside the Hunter’s lair in HK. Also the tutorial area is directly ripped off from the the Black Egg Temple in HK, especially with how the floor tiles light up as you walk across them and the abstract glowing shapes in the background. On top of the environments, many of the animations are copied from HK, most prominently the attacks and hovering in the air while gaining new abilities. The UI and menus are also extremely similar. I also noticed that many of the enemies I encountered in Deviator are direct copies of HK with small modifications. Just a few examples: mosscreepers (small green guys that pop up from the ground), mushroom guys with legs and spikes that curl into a ball and roll directly at you, and the Hunter looking boss which is a total ripoff of HK. TOP/BEST ADULT VIDEO GAMES IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA)

The only part of Deviator that isn’t copied from HK is the combat, which instead feels like it is plucked straight out of Blasphemous. There are no up or down attacks, you can parry with a counter attack, and they even copied the awkward pogo where you attack something in the air from the side and get a small upwards boost. The one unique thing about the combat is the momentum system which is actually pretty interesting. It’s clear the devs put a lot of work into this game, and I went into the demo intending to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now I’m torn whether I want to support the game at all due to the plagiarism. If you ignore the inspiration then at it’s foundation it’s got the potential to be a very solid MV. Curious to hear what y’all think? STAR WARS™: Bounty Hunter™ Free Download


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